Agenda 2023
iDigTRIO Biological Career Conference and Fair 2023 Agenda February 14-19th, 2023
Wednesday, February 15th
Shadowing & Mentoring Experiences: in-person shadowing and mentoring experiences are individually assigned and scheduled.
Thursday, February 16th
Conference Day Agenda
All of Thursday's activities will take place at the University of Florida in the Reitz Union
10:00am - Check-In: Tablers (tables outside 2365)
10:30am - Check-In: Participants (tables outside 2355 and/ 2365)
11:00am - Resource Fair (2330, 2335, 2340, 2365)
The Resource Fair is a tabling event featuring biology-themed organizations from the University of Florida community and beyond.
12:00pm - Catered lunch with Keynote
Dr. JC Buckner (University of Texas at Arlington) (2355)
1:15pm - Conference Workshops
1:15 | Pre-collegiate Workshop: Applying to College (2315)
James Brown and Jennifer Towers (University of Florida)
1:15 | Collegiate Workshop: Applying to Graduate School (2355)
Erin Rice (University of Florida) and Adania Flemming (Florida Museum, University of Florida)
2:15pm - Conference Panels
2:15 | Navigating Graduate School Panel (2355)
James Brown, Dennis Parnell, Lameace Hussain and Aditi Jayarajan (University of Florida)
2:15 | Navigating College Panel (2315)
Jieli Wegerif, Maya Victor, and Mikayla Agbamuche (University of Florida)
3:30pm - Student Research Workshop (Navigating research) (2340)
4:00pm - Student Research Session (2340)
5:30pm - Dinner/Reception with Keynote (Arrendondo café 4:30pm-9pm)
5:30 | Line Up for Dinner and Find Seating
6:00 | Announcements and Welcome
6:15 | Keynote - Jeremy Waisome
6:45 | Keynote - Q&A
7:15 | Networking and Icebreaker Activities
8:00 | Event Concludes

Tuesday, February 14th
Shadowing / Mentoring Experiences: in-person shadowing and mentoring experiences are individually assigned and scheduled.
Saturday, February 18th
Shadowing & Mentoring Experiences: in-person shadowing and mentoring experiences are individually assigned and scheduled.
Friday, February 17th
Shadowing & Mentoring Experiences: in-person shadowing and mentoring experiences are individually assigned and scheduled.
Sunday, February 19th
Shadowing & Mentoring Experiences: in-person shadowing and mentoring experiences are individually assigned and scheduled.